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2018 FVC家庭渡假營 營會資訊

2018 營會主題




電話: 408-634-2012


不虛此行 ~  


這個渡假營, 歷經 27 屆, 灌溉滋潤了許多的家庭關係, 在營會討論分享後, 才驚訝的發現,每個家庭都面對著不同層面的問題, 參加完渡假營之後, 在生活及夫妻/親子關係上, 都有了非常不同的體認及改變。透過 ”家新” 所安排的各式主題, 講員, 活動, 及青少年,孩童們的節目, 5 天4夜的營會生活, 大人們情意變濃, 小孩們興緻勃勃。我們計畫每年都要去充電, 真的很棒, 獲益良多哦! 這實在是感恩節全家渡假的首選, 你一定不要錯過, 我們相邀一起去吧!也歡迎三代同堂參加。

* 備有嬰孩照顧﹐兒童,  及青少年活動

2018 講員 Speakers



台北真道教會主任牧師、中華民國夢想之家青年發展協會創辦人暨理事長財經法律碩士、英國劍橋大學商學院創業管理學程他是『青年獎章』得主、也獲選為『十大傑出青年』和『台灣真英雄』。曾經三度接受總統接見表揚,並在國家祈禱早餐會講道。他與周巽正牧師共同主持 Good TV『共享觀點』節目,也曾於 TED X Taipei演講。經常受邀於企業、校園、教會、非營利組織演講,遍及台灣和亞洲各國。

劉艾青老師 / 劉明剛牧師

Western Seminary 家庭婚姻幼兒輔導碩士,University of Arizona 企業管理碩士,University of Kansas 工業組織心理碩士,台灣大學心理學系學士。俱台灣諮商心理師證照,現任台灣家百濃教育諮詢公司園長。她是美國心靈園丁創辦人,也是美國星島日報專欄作家。曾是美國星島廣播電台心靈園丁主持人,並曾在上海外籍社區諮商中心擔任諮商師,在社區、中學從事心理輔導工作。著作有:「爸媽,你們知道我是怎麼想的嗎?」「邀快樂同行」。



2018 Youth Program Speaker and Coordinators


Youth Speaker: Pastor Daniel Gilham

Pastor Daniel Gilham grew up in Cupertino being a very sad Warriors fan. After studying Creative Writing at Rhodes College in Memphis, he worked for Bayshore Christian Ministries, a non-profit in East Palo Alto for a year.  After that, Dan Matsuoka, the English pastor at Chinese Church in Christ South Valley, roped him into giving some youth a ride to the beach during the summer of 2013.  Ever since, he's been involved in the youth group, first as a youth counselor, and in 2017, he became a youth pastor after attending Western Seminary.  Daniel enjoys playing guitar, playing basketball, and going weightlifting with his beautiful wife Ashley, who, according to Daniel, is super strong.  He reads a lot of books, but his favorite book is the bible. 

Youth Camp Director: Tammy Lin


Tammy is from San Jose, where she has spent the majority of her life. She earned her BA in Public Health at UC Berkeley in 2015 and currently works at Santa Clara Family Health Plan as a Business Systems Analyst in IT. She attends Chinese Church in Christ - South Valley, where she grew up, and loves being a part of a family church, serving in the youth group, and witnessing the good work that God is doing there. She attended Family Vacation Camp growing up, (this is her 13th year at camp!) and is glad to come back and serve, as camp was an enjoyable and precious time to her as a youth. In her free time, she likes to have heart to heart talks, take walks in nature, and play music.

Youth Camp Director: Derrick Ching

Derrick is a Sacramento native who attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for his undergrad. He earned his BS in Industrial Engineering in 2015. During his 5+ years of attendance, he attended a college campus ministry called Chinese Christian Fellowship. It was there that a member at the fellowship introduced him to Chinese Families For Christ camp by serving as a youth counselor. He has continued to be involved since 2010 and has loved having the opportunity to serve alongside the counselor and FVC staff. He currently works in Seal Beach as an engineer for the US Navy and serves as a volunteer staffer at Asian American Christian Fellowship on the UCI campus. When not serving at his church, Berean Community Church, he enjoys trying to letter, working & eating out, managing his humble collection of shoes, playing tennis, and hooping.

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