2022 FVC家庭渡假營 營會資訊
2022 營會主題

不虛此行 ~
這個渡假營, 歷經 28 屆, 灌溉滋潤了許多的家庭關係, 在營會討論分享後, 才驚訝的發現,每個家庭都面對著不同層面的問題, 參加完渡假營之後, 在生活及夫妻/親子關係上, 都有了非常不同的體認及改變。透過 ”家新” 所安排的各式主題, 講員, 活動, 及青少年,孩童們的節目, 5 天4夜的營會生活, 大人們情意變濃, 小孩們興緻勃勃。我們計畫每年都要去充電, 真的很棒, 獲益良多哦! 這實在是感恩節全家渡假的首選, 你一定不要錯過, 我們相邀一起去吧!也歡迎三代同堂參加。
* 備有嬰孩照顧﹐兒童, 及青少年活動
電話: 408-634-5012
2022 講員 Speakers

柳子駿牧師 景聖禾師母
台北復興堂主任牧師。浸信會神學院道學碩士、衛理神學研究院教牧諮商碩士、東海大學社會工作學系畢業。著有 「你吃的鹽跟我吃的飯不一樣」、「嘿 少在那邊假裝好嗎? 」 。曾參與創作製作多張專輯:「音光樂團-用音樂為你發光」、「復興 Revival 」等,也擔任多張約書亞專輯演唱。擔任 YouTube 「今天不講理」頻道主持人、並經營「子是駿了點」頻道。柳子駿牧師渴望建立一間重視靈命與在意上帝同在的教會,透過敬拜、禱告並扎實的門徒訓練及小組牧養,建立了一間受教、順服及合一的教會。子駿牧師與景聖禾師母所牧養的台北復興堂,近幾年來有突破性的增長,他親自牧養教會年輕人,盼望栽培並興起新的世代。景聖禾師母則是牧養兒童牧區,透過創意與年輕的團隊,使兒童能夠以有趣的方式認識信仰,並且無縫接軌至 青年牧區。

心理學院臨床心理博士生,同時修讀跨文化宣教學碩士。從小立志當女強人,卻在 29 歲 開始作 全職媽媽 ,其 間 許多高低起伏和自我懷疑,回頭卻發現那是人生中難得的甜密。 38 歲時下定決心在太老前出國念書,白天服事和當義工媽媽,晚上讀書。臨床經驗包含心理治療、婚姻諮商、心理衡鑑 包含智力測驗、大腦認知功能檢測、心理及性格測驗等、跨文化及靈性整合等議題。目前的願望,是透過心理治療,幫助人經歷醫治和整全。與夫婿韓敬歆牧師的婚姻邁入第 18 年,育有兩兒,現居於洛杉磯。韓牧師全職傳道已超過 20 年,曾二度擔任國語渡假營的講員,深受歡迎。
2022 Youth Program Speaker and Coordinators

Youth Speaker: Pastor Tim Lee
Hello everyone! My name is Tim Lee and I am the worship and youth pastor at Pathway Community Church. I am so excited to be able to connect with you all up at camp this fall. Retreats are one of my favorite ministries to be involved with because that is where my life was changed as a student. Being with you all will be the 97th retreat in my lifetime! I was born in Chicago, grew up in Fremont, met Jesus in 7th grade, went to SFSU on a full scholarship to study music and math (one was for fun and the other was for work, but probably not the way you think), and finished my education with a masters in Biblical Studies from Liberty Theological Seminary.
I love sports (playing and watching), all things music (playing, singing, writing, listening to, talking about), food (eating, taking pictures of, eating, cooking, eating), my family (my wife of 14 years and my 2 kids), and God (who I can see working in all the things listed above).
One of my favorite verses is 2 Peter 1:5-8. This is a life verse for me that flipped my faith upside down when I realized that the pursuit of God's truth and growing in righteousness are just stepping stones to intimately knowing Jesus by living an unselfish love. I hope to grow in that alongside all of you in November!

Youth Camp Director: Tammy Lin
Tammy is from San Jose, where she has spent the majority of her life. She earned her BA in Public Health at UC Berkeley in 2015 and currently works at Santa Clara Family Health Plan as a Business Systems Analyst in IT. She attends Chinese Church in Christ - South Valley, where she grew up, and loves being a part of a family church, serving in the youth group, and witnessing the good work that God is doing there. She attended Family Vacation Camp growing up, (this is her 13th year at camp!) and is glad to come back and serve, as camp was an enjoyable and precious time to her as a youth. In her free time, she likes to have heart to heart talks, take walks in nature, and play music.

Youth Camp Director: Derrick Ching
Derrick is a Sacramento native who attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for his undergrad. He earned his BS in Industrial Engineering in 2015. During his 5+ years of attendance, he attended a college campus ministry called Chinese Christian Fellowship. It was there that a member at the fellowship introduced him to Chinese Families For Christ camp by serving as a youth counselor. He has continued to be involved since 2010 and has loved having the opportunity to serve alongside the counselor and FVC staff. He currently works in Seal Beach as an engineer for the US Navy and serves as a volunteer staffer at Asian American Christian Fellowship on the UCI campus. When not serving at his church, Berean Community Church, he enjoys trying to letter, working & eating out, managing his humble collection of shoes, playing tennis, and hooping.